All about me!


I don’t worry what will happen tomorrow

I do my best as I can for today

I learn from my mistakes I did yesterday

I believe everything has its own reason


Think of how you feel everyday

The destiny can make by your own hands

Get your inspiration, energy and spirit

Don’t deny the hope and the excitement

You always get what you have always done



Sunday, August 31, 2008

Aug 31st, End of the month!

When it comes to Sunday, other people will go outside to spend time with their family. Some may go shopping, do exercise, or have dinner together, depending on their activities. But for me, this Sunday is gonna be another quiet day in my home, though, everyone stay here.

Each member has his or her own things to do right now such as my little bro, he's doing his homework [i should say, "he has to finish it up as soon as possible"], my oldest sis, she's preparing so many things for studying abroad [it's coming soon], and also me, i'm now writing my blog to you from the 1st floor at home [i know that my blog is not technical 55+].

But anyway, we still have one thing to get altogether which is having meals!!!. Whether have breakfast, lunch or dinner, we all sit around the round table and enjoy eating...hehe...i'm so happy with that ^^

Tomorrow is the first of September, i think it likes a new beginning again, so we should do something new or do whatever to be better. This not only for yourself, but also others.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

BIFF & BIL 2008

Today, I am writing to you from my home. I wanna woke up late this morning, wanna sleep more and more, but i cannot 'coz I had to go outside with my family.

We went to the event called “Bangkok International Fashion Fair (BIFF) & Bangkok International Leather (BIL) 2008” at BITEC Bangna. This is the first time that I visited the event like this.

Guess what!, we spent a lot of time there (around 4 hours!!!), but spent quite a bit money...hahaha. Some people may feel like 'what a waste of time and money', so what do you think?

Ah!, I forgot to tell you all, if you are interested in this fashion fair, don't hesitate to go there due to tomorrow is the last day for showcasing. ^-^

Go..go..go~let's enjoy it!!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Happy Friday, R u happy?

Whoohoo! is FRIDAY. It is the last day for working of this month, so you guys will get the paycheck, right? 555

Moreover, this day is coincided with my last day for employment too. You know, i have been worked approximately almost TWO YEARS!!. Wow, i cannot believe years have gone by so quickly.

When i already made a decision to resign from a company, many people asked me like these: "why do you decide to resign?", "why don't you keep working here?", "why you don't give me a sign or let me know?", w-h-y, w-h-y and w-h-y.

So, i blabbed myself [Aren't people sick of asking 'why'?], and then i said, i just want to continue my further studies. That's all!!!

Don't get mad, it's not seriously. By the way, have a nice weekend! (^O^)/

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Hello everyone! ^_____^

This is the first entry in my blog.

Also, it's my first time to create it as well.

There is nothing too much to say now.

I really don't know where to begin ^O^

So, just stopping by to say 'hi' for this time.

Anyway, today is August 28, 2008.

Wow, is it a crazy 8's (2008-08-28)? haha!

*~Take Care~*