All about me!


I don’t worry what will happen tomorrow

I do my best as I can for today

I learn from my mistakes I did yesterday

I believe everything has its own reason


Think of how you feel everyday

The destiny can make by your own hands

Get your inspiration, energy and spirit

Don’t deny the hope and the excitement

You always get what you have always done



Saturday, January 31, 2009


HaLoo...Whistler~here i come!

I'm so lucky that i went to Whistler today...the weather was very's flurry and sunny!!!

I can't explain anything to you guys, so i just post some pictures. And i think all these pictures can tell everything ^-^

IcE cReAm CaKe

Friday, January 30, 2009

Happy Birthday >> today is my classmate birthday. She's Philippines, and she's immigrant here three years already. Her English is very good i think ^^

By the way, a few days ago was a birthday of one person too. He's a close friend of my host family's son. It was his 30th birthday for him...happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you...happy birthday...happy birthday...happy birthday to you~*

Be happy, happy, and much more, ok? Because of you birthday, so i can have some ice cream cake...thank you so much!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ice Rink

Ice skating AGAIN and AGAIN!

My afternoon class went to the ice rink for ice skating with other classes.

There were soooo many students, so when we had to take a bus to go there, it took too much time to get on and get off. I think other passengers might felt boring.

At there, due to someone know how to ice skating, but someone do not know, so we were ice skating without any rule. I honestly say i don't like it, but it was fun, but dangerous too!

You know, every time i went to ice skating, it made me sooooo's such a really good exercise.

I will not go there again until i go back home...enough is enough, isn't it?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Booking Tour

After i finished school, my friends and i went to Korean travel agency to book seats for our trip. We will go to WHISTLER~Whoohoo!!!

You know what, I had disappointed about this trip before, so this time i'm so excited to go there ^_____^

Anyway, everyone paid in different prices because someone has jackets, pants, gloves or goggles. Therefore, they do not have to rent those things. But for me, i don't have anything so i have to pay more than among of them. It costs me around 150 bucks. I think it's ok...because it including bus fees, lift tickets, and all rental equipments.

I hope everything will be gone well...there is no problem ^O^

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Candy in the red envelop


Every year, i will receive many red envelops with money inside.

It's like the Chinese tradition that we do it.

But this year, i cannot celebrate this celebration with my family.

I felt a bit sad, but it's ok for me...don't worry though.

There was something happened this morning.

You know what, the school gave all students red envelops.

For me, i was so surprised...i've never thought about it before.

I think may be there are many Chinese immigrants here, so they have to celebrate Chinese New Year.

Anyway, it made me feel like i'm home...i miss everyone!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009


Have you ever seen Monster-in-law before?

It's a name of the movie played by Jennifer Lopez.

I had already watch this is my second time.

It was so fun, and i also have learned new words and slang.

I enjoyed and felt relaxed so much... ^_____^

It's so different from my morning class!

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Yesterday, i had dessert after i finished Mexican food which was Jelly. This is my first time to taste it. It made from cheese and gelatin. For me, the taste was so strange...i cannot's not's very cheesy!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Mexican Food

My Mexican friend had invited her friends, including me to her house in order to cooked and had lunch together. We cooked many dishes as you can see by these following photos;






Thank you so much for inviting me and your food...AWESOME!!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Little Pinky

Whoohoo!...My puppy, Pepper, is very cute~*
She has worn a pink sweter...oh dear...pinky pinky!

After you guys see these pictures, do you agree with me? 555+

Monday, January 19, 2009


What the heck!?

A new session started again...i'm taking IELTS in the morning.

You know what i had to write essay on the first day...oh my god!

I was very shocked because i didn't expect that the teacher needed us to do that.

It made me sooooo's Monday...why i had to do it on the first day like this.

Sunday, January 18, 2009



I'm like a kid most of the day!

I went to Aquarium, and spent time there around 6 hours.

Believe it or not:)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

2nd Time

2:00pm >> Ice Skating
8 people will come as we had made an appointment.
It will be FUUUUN!!!

But one of my friends cannot come due to she's sick...that's a pity >_____<~

Anyway, my second time for ice skating was better i think. But you know what, i still fell down...haha!

Before we went back home, we took picture together as our good memory.

"Ah! you see, this is my ice skating new"

Friday, January 16, 2009

Everything Finished

Whoohoo!!! today was a last day of this session :)

We had the exam only in the morning.

After we finished it, we just kept talking to wait for the result.

Then we were all FREE~*

Next week, we are going to start a new class, new session.

We will meet new friends, new classmates, and may be new teachers ^^

I don't know it will be good or bad?

Anyway, to me, i haven't think about that now, it's in the future...

Time will tell everything ^O^


Thursday, January 15, 2009

I felt relax today...i don't know why, maybe yesterday i had already finished my book presentation. Moreover, my teacher bought small donuts from Tim Hortons called "TIMBITS". They're so delicious...this is my first time to have them.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Little Prince

Due to i didn't finish my book presentation YESTERDAY.

I have to finish all of it TODAY.

Because the presentation is going to start TOMORROW.

Oh My God!!!

I will go to bed late again tonight.

And i may wake up late tomorrow morning too!

By the way, the book i chose is "The Little Prince" which i had already both in Thai and English before. In my view, it will be useful for other classmates to know about the story, and get some ideas from this book. Because it's not only for children, it's suitable for no matter how old you are, it's a very good book to read just once in your life...i really recommend it ^-^

Monday, January 12, 2009

Bubble Milk Tea

My blog today continue friom yesterday. After we finished to have lunch, we agreed to have a bubble milk tea. Therefore, we went to "Bubble World" together, though we were full ^O^

Sunday, January 11, 2009


I had an appointment with friends to eat Chinese food before she go back to her home country. You guys can see all these below pictures.

When i ate all of them, it made me feel like i missed my home...>_____<~