All about me!


I don’t worry what will happen tomorrow

I do my best as I can for today

I learn from my mistakes I did yesterday

I believe everything has its own reason


Think of how you feel everyday

The destiny can make by your own hands

Get your inspiration, energy and spirit

Don’t deny the hope and the excitement

You always get what you have always done



Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Eve

I went to Korean restaurant where is located Downtown to have dinner and party with my friends. . It's a small one, but the food was so delicious...i confirmed...hehe~*






Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Dec 30, 2008

Whoohoo! New Year is coming...i'm so happy ^-^

What about you guys? How do you feel?

Let's me know, ok?

This year will pass in a few days, and the new year 2009 is coming soon.

So i have some quotes to share with you all as follows:

"We learn from yesterday"

"We live for today"

"We hope for tomorrow"

I think it's let's start the new and good things together ^_____^

Monday, December 29, 2008

Raining Day Come Back

Monday came back again together with RAIN!

I'm late today due to i slept in until 7:00am, and then i had to wait for the bus around 30 minutes. I didn't know why, but i hate should be on time, right? This made me upset sine in the morning. But actually it's my fault too...haha :)

Anyway, i'm not late for my class...that's so good! Appreciate it ^_____^

When the class started, the teacher taught so fast [that was my opinion], or maybe i'm not ready for brain didn't work today...i felt so tired and wanna sleep all the time.

In the afternoon, it's gonna be better i think, my class and another class played game called "Scattergories" together. It was a bit difficult, but everything gone well.

For dinner, i had pasta, and some chocolate 555+ i'm so full...thank you~*

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Korean Food

My friend invited me to his homestay to have lunch together. He cooked Korean food for us...that was so good ^^






Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ice Skating

It's a busy day!!!

I got up earlier than usual time [on my weekend]. I wanna sleep more and more, but i cannot.

I had to go somewhere to buy clothes and chocolate, and i must to finished it before noon.

Due to i had an appointment with my friends to play ice skating...i'm waiting for it:) Therefore, i need to bring all stuff back home before i go to meet them. That's my plan because i really don't wanna carry anything to the ice skate rink ^^

WOW!!! You know, this is my first time to play it...i'm so excited...i never played it before in my country...Do you believe me? 555+

I felt a bit scared of ice skating, but one of my friends used to take lesson around 5 years before [she's so professional, isn't she?] So she taught me how to play and balance myself...thank you so much ^_____^

She said i'm good at playing ice skating for my first time...i think it may be i used to play skating and rollerblading before when i was a child, so it's not too hard, but not easy too!

I fell down only one time...but i'm ok though, don't worry. It's unbelievable, right? for the first time...but it's true ^-^

Friday, December 26, 2008

Boxing Day

Good morning everyone :)

I woke up at 7:00am.

Had breakfast, and then left home.

Oh! was snowing >_____<

I had an appointment with my friend.

We met each other around 9:30am.

Unbelievable!!! There are many people go shopping on Boxing day.

Everywhere was so crowded and busy.

People were crazy to buy their stuff, like they fought for something.

Oh my god!!! I don't like this kinds of made me get dizzy.

Anyway, when we finished our shopping, but guess what, snow hasn't stopped yet!

It's gonna falling down all day all night i think ^^

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Merry Christmas

Whee! i didn't have to wake up early in the morning because today was a holiday.

So happy ^_____^

We had breakfast together, and then we gave gifts to each other. For me, i don't want anything for whoever, so i didn't buy anything. But i got a present too!...from my host's daughter...thank you so much*

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas's Eve

Oh my god! What happened since in the morning? There was too much SNOW...And it had been snowing...

Today, i took more time to walk from bus stop to school. I felt like i don't like snow now, but it's sooooo wow

Because of the snow, the skytrain had stopped!!! Many students came by skytrain, so they cannot come to class. It's so quiet and boring.

After finished school, i went home immediately due to it was snowing [no sign for stopping anymore], and also i wanna help my host family to prepare things for tonight's party. Whoohoo!!!

By the way, i will tell you about our party tomorrow, ok? See you then ^_____^

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

2 Days Left

Tomorrow is Christmas's Eve.

The day after tomorrow is Christmas day.

Time has gone by sooooo far!

Do you agree with me?

Most of my friends have Christmas party at their homestay.

That's same as me too!!!

I think it's gonna be fun...due to there are many people will come tomorrow.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Fourth Session

New session started again...

I'm not ready to study anything...

So tired...

Need more rest...

Cold weather...

Make me sick...


Both of my new teachers are good...

I have many new classmates...

Hope we will fit in as quick as we can...

Very nice to neet everyone...

See you tomorrow (^O^)/

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Kim Chi Udon & Bubble Milk Tea

Let's Go Shopping~

Due to my friends would like to buy presents from their family and homestay.

But anyway, before we started our shopping, we went to Chinses Restaurant to eat Korean food.

Is it make sense? 555+

I ordered Kim Chi Udon together with Bubble Milk Tea.

It's so delicious... and also made me feel warmer ^^

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Grouse Mountain


I went to Grouse Mountain.

The temperature was -16 degree.


My hands and feet was frozen.

Didn't have any feeling anymore...

But the atmosphere and view were very beautiful and nice.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Final Test


I'm sooooo happy... everything finished today!

But there is one thing that made me feel sad which is many of my friends had already finished school and go back home soon.

I wanna cry, but i won't...ok?

Anyway, at my school, we had Christmas party.

We have a wonderful decoration about Christmas time.

So today the staff had a gift to us by giving a free soft drink and some cookies & candy.

Thursday, December 18, 2008



I have something to show you all.

She is the new member of my family here.

Her name is PEPPER~*

She's such a cute girl.

She has black hair, and blue eyes.

She's active and hyper.

She has so much energy.

I love her sooooo much ^_____^

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Practice Test

I'm so surprise...there are many students come to school early.

You know, they usually arrive school when it's time for class.

But today is so different from other days...hehe ^^

The reason is today is a practice day for every student who study Grammar class.

No matter what level you should do it before the real test.

To me, i'm a bit nervous because last time my teacher didn't have the practice test for my class.

This is going to be my first time for that one.

After i finished my practice test, we check all answers together, and then i found out that i got a good score though.

I'm so happy and satisfied with i already have more confident to do a real test!!!


Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Oh!!! there are three days for examination...

Wednesday to Friday!!!

So today was a review day for me.

I have to get ready as soon as possible.

But time has gone by so fast!!!

I felt like i had no more time to do anything.

Hopefully, i will pass all the test during this week.

Monday, December 15, 2008

White Snow~*


Wow, it's so excited...too much snow today!

So i wanna share some pictures to you guys.

I do hope you like it ^_____^

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Woke up this morning, i looked outside at my window.

Hey! WHAT HAPPENED last night?

I saw everything was cover with SNOW!!!

It's all white...sooooo beautiful ^^

I'm so excited to go outside and touch it.

Today, i have an appointment with friend at 12:30pm.

So i will leave my home around 11:30 - 12:00pm.

Let's me continue my log after i come back, ok?

Pubilc Library

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Wow! NICE weather...i love it so much, though it's so windy, but it's ok.

I spent my time all day at the library with my friendly laptop ^_____^

I feel so happy...i spent time with myself, and also finished my assignment.

Tomorrow i can go anywhere without worrying about my homework.

But anyway, i have to study hard due to next week i have a TEST...hurr hurr

Friday, December 12, 2008

Chocolate Day...AGAIN!!!

It was raining...oh! i hate it.

After i finished my morning class, i had lunch with my friend at school.

Then i went to do my homework at the public library because the rain hasn't stopped yet, so i cannot go anywhere.

But when i arrived there, i saw many friends were sitting and studying together.

555+ we faced with the same situation.

Anyway, before i went home, i have visited a shops to buy CHOCOLATE...yummy~*

There is a discount, so it's cheaper than before...that's a reason why i bought it.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Whee!!!, i'm so good...i played game in my afternoon class today.
This was the second time that the teacher brought some games for us.

When the class started, everyone felt sleepy so much i think, but guess what, after the break, no one felt like that anymore.

I thought all my classmate love to play games as me...hahaha

When i came back home, i saw my was a hamburger.
But we didn't buy from McDonald or Burger King.
They made by themself, and it was sooooo delicious.

Thank you for dinner ^O^

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hump Day

It was a good day because it's a HUMP DAY.

Hump day means Wednesday...

My teacher said when you draw a hill, and then put Monday- Friday.

You will see Wednesday is a top of the hill, so that's why we called Wednesday is "HUMP DAY".

Whoohoo! just a few day, i don’t have to wake up early for school.

Until then, i’ll take the rest of this week as much as i can.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Hong Mi

On Sunday [December 7, 2008], before we went to see the parade, we had lunch together at Korea restaurant in downtown where is my Korean friend recommended me. He said this restaurant has a real taste of Korean food…wow…interesting, right? Hehe.

There are four kinds of Korean food at this time which are squid, beef, udon, and spicy soup with rice.

And KIMCHI, it’s the important thing 555+

Bravo! It was so good though. I was so full…cannot eat anything anymore.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Ice Cream Cone

Last night, i watched TV until almost midnight!

First, i saw the hockey game when i had dinner.

When i finished my eating, the game wasn't over yet.

So i paid attention to it until it finished.

Then i changed the channel to watch movie "ELF", but i didn't see to the end.

During that time, i had a chance to eat ice cream know it's my first time to have ice cream here!!! So delicious, the flavor was mint chocolate chip~YUMMY*

After that, i watched the reality TV program called "So You Think You Can Dance Canada", due to it's a final round, they announced who's the winner.

I was so excited...and the host announced the result that a tall and handsome guy won. He got $100,000 and a new Mercedes-Benz C230.

Oh my god, CONGRATULATIONS man, you're so cool!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

SaNtA cLaUs PaRaDe

Santa Claus is coming to town~*

It likes a kid’s day today.

Since in the morning, when I took the bus, I saw there were many children come to downtown.

Because of we had a Santa Claus Parade!!!

After 11:00am they closed the street.

It’s too cold and windy…

And we stood in the wrong place because no building behind us.

You know what, the parade took time around one and a half hours.

But I stand there more than that due to we had to go before the parade start.


I cannot move my fingers, hands, and feet.
After it finished, we should go somewhere that make us feel warm.
So we decided to have coffee or hot chocolate as soon as possible.
Thank God! McDonald was not far from there.