All about me!


I don’t worry what will happen tomorrow

I do my best as I can for today

I learn from my mistakes I did yesterday

I believe everything has its own reason


Think of how you feel everyday

The destiny can make by your own hands

Get your inspiration, energy and spirit

Don’t deny the hope and the excitement

You always get what you have always done



Monday, December 29, 2008

Raining Day Come Back

Monday came back again together with RAIN!

I'm late today due to i slept in until 7:00am, and then i had to wait for the bus around 30 minutes. I didn't know why, but i hate should be on time, right? This made me upset sine in the morning. But actually it's my fault too...haha :)

Anyway, i'm not late for my class...that's so good! Appreciate it ^_____^

When the class started, the teacher taught so fast [that was my opinion], or maybe i'm not ready for brain didn't work today...i felt so tired and wanna sleep all the time.

In the afternoon, it's gonna be better i think, my class and another class played game called "Scattergories" together. It was a bit difficult, but everything gone well.

For dinner, i had pasta, and some chocolate 555+ i'm so full...thank you~*

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