All about me!


I don’t worry what will happen tomorrow

I do my best as I can for today

I learn from my mistakes I did yesterday

I believe everything has its own reason


Think of how you feel everyday

The destiny can make by your own hands

Get your inspiration, energy and spirit

Don’t deny the hope and the excitement

You always get what you have always done



Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I Arrived!!!

Place: Suvarnabhumi International Airport
Time: Around 13:00PM

I arrived Bangkok...i miss home, miss everyone here.

I first called my mom...where was she waiting for me? and back then, i saw her and my brother, but there was another person stood right beside them [who's that? i thought], you know, she is a friend of mine~hehe. I was surprised to see her 'coz it's Monday, so my friends should go to work, right?

Anyway, i really happy. Thank you for taking time out of your busy life to pick me up at the airport ^O^

Monday, March 16, 2009


This is my second time at Taipei, but just only the TaoYuan International's suck, isn't it?

Due to Taiwan is one of the countries that i want to visit, i don't have a chance to travel yet...i hope i will come back here again [not like this time] ^-^

I have to transit here, and it takes time almost three hours...oh my God, it's too long. I don't like it.

Anyway, i try to find somewhere to sit and rest. I finally got a seat~haha* and also there is a woman who sit beside me, she will go to Singapore and she said she has to wait around nine hours...ugh! that's too bad.

Have a safe trip!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bye bye~*

I have to say goodbye to Canada sad! What should i do? i cannot do anything due to it's time to go back home. I like everything here, i don't know about other people, but to me it's awesome.

I feel lucky that i have a chance to stay and spend time in this country, even it's not too long [just six months], but i have got so many things. It likes my experiences that i can carry all of them with me everywhere i go.

You guys will be wondering how can i go to the airport, right? Because of many students who live with host family, they have to go by themselves. In my case, my host's brother will drive for me and drop me at the airport. Thank you so much for your kindness ^_____^ Appreciated it!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Packing Day

Tomorrow i'm gonna go back home, so today is my packing day. I have to pack my bags, and i do hope there is enough space for all my stuff!

I have three bags which are a big luggage, small one and another is for my laptop. And now i have a problem due to the airline allows the weight 23kg per bag so that i got 46kg for two bags, but my small bag does not have enough space, though the weight has not reach the allowance yet...what the heck happened with me.

This made me sick, and i'm sooooo tired. You know what, i had tried to pack my bags so many times, but it does not work anymore...oh my God.

Anyway, i must finish it within today because i do not want to rush and pack on the day that i have to take a flight. Wish me luck!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

K & J P-a-r-t-i-e-s

Hong Mi

PAJEON GREEN SEAFOOD: Korean style pan cake

BULDAK: Chicken meat marinated in a very hot spicy chili sauce grilled

HONGMI MAEUN BOSSAM: Streamed spicy tender pork served with salted cabbage and vegetables

Kibune Sushi Restaurant

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Banana Cake & Scone

Due to i got a prize which is Starbucks Card from drawing green ticket at my school, so i had ten bucks to buy anything i wow!!

[Banana Cake]

[Banana Chocolate Chip Cake]

[Raspberry Wheat Scone]

[Lemon Cranberry Scone]

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sth Sweeeeet!

I went to White Spot with my lovely friends ^-^ This time i had a plan to order desserts from this restaurant due to my Brazilian friend has recommended me to taste brownie before he went back home. Therefore, i didn't hesitate to try it...whoohoo!!!

"Hot Fudge Brownie"

It is a creamy ice cream, triple thick hot fudge sauce and chocolate fudge brownie.

"Apple Cinnamon Crumble"

This is a Granny Smith apple slices, cream, lemon and cinnamon oven baked under a buttery oat, almond and brown sugar crumble with ice cream on the top.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

2010 Countdown Clock

Yesterday, i had already gone to Art Gallery and took pictures there. Actually, i have walked pass this place so many times, but i have no time to take photos.

Moreover, i also walked to the North side of the Art Gallery in order to have my picture with the iconic Vancouver 2010 countdown clock for Winter Olympics.

Friday, March 6, 2009

English Bay + Kitsilano Beach

Before i go back home, i would like to go to some places again. Therefore, i decided to take my friend to go there together. I was a guide today, so she accompanied with me all day.

First, we went to Kitsilano Beach.

Second, we visited English Bay.

Due to the weather was so awesome. Both places were sooooo beautiful, weren't they?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Simpsons

Do you like "The Simpsons"?
I have no idea about it...i'm not sure that i like it or not.

In my country, i haven't watched Simpsons too much, i just know the name and some main characters. But here, i have more chances to watch it a lot whether at school or homestay.

Sometimes i think it's's ok, but sometimes not. Some people like it so much, but some of them said it's crazy.

Anyway, it depends on your opinion...everyone has his or her own idea.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Super Size Me

Super Size Me...could you guess what the story is about? tick tock...tick tock...time's up!!!

It's a name of the documentary. There is one guy named Morgan Spurlock who eats only McDonald's food for a month. He tries to examine the influence of the fast food industry. Therefore, he gets the effects for both physically and mentally.

It sounds not good, right? You know what, after i finished watch this movie, i don't want to eat fast food have to see, it's so terrible!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Beard Papa's

Do you know "BEARD PAPA'S"? To me, I don't know T___T" That's why i wanna try it.

This shop served many kinds of desserts

But the one that i had ordered was a crunchy puff pastry like cream puff called Eclair.

See!, SOOOOO YUMMY~with custard inside and chocolate on the wow!!!

*^O^* I LOVE IT *^O^*

Monday, March 2, 2009

Jap Food

From the day before yesterday's blog; we went to Aberdeen Centre, and bought something, right?

After that, we felt hungry, so we went to food court to find something to eat...finally we decided to have Japanese food there.

You can compare dishes between the real and fake one as below:



I know you all wanna eat both of them, right?...haha ^-^

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Another month passed~time has gone by very quickly!

A new month is the 3rd month of the year 2009.

I cannot believe that i have been here almost six months!!!

Time to go back home is coming SOOOOON~*

I feel both happy and sad...confused feeling huh?

...i think so...

Anyway, i would like to continue my blog from yesterday, but sorry i do not have too much time for that one.

So can i tell you guys what did i do next after shopping tomorrow instead?

I hope everyone say 'OH!, YES...NO PROBLEM' (^O^)

Saturday, February 28, 2009


My second time to RICHMOND...i wasn't excited too much ^^

Here is my plan: Richmond Centre and Aberdeen Centre.

First, i met my friend at around 12:00pm. Then we took the bus from Vancouver to Richmond Centre without transferring. Next, we had something there which were Whole Grain Blueberry Muffin and Chocolate Dennis at Tim Hortons, and we walked around the mall for a while.

After that we decided to change place because there was nothing interesting for us. Therefore, we went to Aberdeen Centre...and you know what, the first place that we visited was 'DAISO' where we spent too much time for shopping.


Friday, February 27, 2009


STEPHO'S~Finally, i can have Greek food...whoohoo!!!

"MOUSAKA" [Ground Beef, Zucchini, Eggplant, Potatoes, and Bechamel]

"STEPHO'S SOUVLAKIA" [Lamb served with Rice Pilaf, Roast Potatoes, and Greek Salad]

"HUMOUS" [Tahini and Chick Pea Pate with Bread]

Wow! it's very very yummy... they're such big friends and i cannot finish all of them. We're soooo full, AGAIN i will not have dinner today.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Have you ever heard "COLLATERAL" before? It's a name of movie which played by Tom Cruise. Yesterday was my first time to watch this movie.

In the story, 'Vincent' [Tom Cruise] who is intelligent and impulsive. His job is killing people, so he doesn't care others' feelings...bad guy, isn't it?

But i think the movie was very good and interesting. I had to keep my eyes open, because of i didn't want to miss any scene of the movie. Moreover, i must pay attention due to the way they talked was sooooo fast, and some characters didn't have good accent in English. That's why it was attracted me very much.

I recommend you to watch this movie no matter what reason, i'm quite sure that you will like it :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Real Test

Oh my god!!! I was so excited for the real test today.

We did listening test, firstly i was so afraid that it's going to be difficult to listen, but it's better than i thought...Thank God!

I didn't know about other students' feelings before they had taken the exam. In my view, they might feel the same as me i guess.

Anyway, i hope everyone did it very well, and we can get the good score, satisfy result, can't we? [i hope so] ^_____^

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Last Long Trip have you been? I'm doing fine right now... hehe...I feel a bit tired from the trip, but it's ok.

This trip "Rocky Mountains" was such a long trip for me here. It took time 4 days, 3 nights as i had told all of you before.

It was sooooo wonderful whether guides, friends or a driver. I have known many new friends from different schools.

I will remember these moments... never forget it for sure! By the way, if i have a chance to go back there again, i won't hesitate my mind.

Friday, February 20, 2009



4 days, 3 nights

First day: Vancouver to Sicamous
Second day: Sicamous to Banff
Third day: Winter activity day in Banff and Panorama
Fourth day: Panorama to Vancouver

Therefore, i will see you guys again in February 24, 2009.

Please keep in touch with me and my blog, ok?

See ya~*

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Orange Day

So excited!!! my new afternoon class for my last session...whoohoo

This morning i came to school a bit early because i wanna know the result that i have changed class yesterday.

I'm so happy ^_____^ i can change it...[new class, teacher, and classmates are good for me].

We learned vocabulary, idioms, slang, some sentences that people are common use them, and etc.

Now, i can honestly say that i'm sure my decision was right, i enjoy with it...very interesting~*

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


After i have studied my communication class, i'm not feeling good anymore. Therefore, i decided to change class today.

At the lunch time, i had a chance to talk with a friend of mine who had been taken a class that i'm interested in now. She can give me some information which was useful for me to make a decision.

Due to there is a few days to change class, then during the break time, i asked for my teacher to change it, and she allowed me to change as i prefer...thank you ^^

Tomorrow, i will go to a new class that i had already chosen...i do hope my decision is right ^O^

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My Voice

Help me plzzzzz

What happened with my voice?

It's so terrible!

I cannot talk and speak well.

Something stuck in my throat.

I wanna recover as soon as possible.


Monday, February 16, 2009

Last Session

My last session is coming~*

I'm so happy to finish school soon.

But at the same time, when i think about my last day, i feel sad.

Now i know more my friends' feelings when they have to go back home.

It's hard to explain into words, but everyone can feel it...i'm sure.

Third Day for Rest

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Today is Sunday...oh my god...i'm still sick!!!

Tomorrow, i have to go to's a new session.

But anyway, i feel better then yesterday.

And i know it will take time to recover it.


I have a trip on this Friday too, i really wanna go there.

It will be my last big trip here in Canada...hehe

I don't wanna miss it ^O^

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Trible Sick

Last night, i hope that when i woke up this morning, i would getting better, but the result was opposite!

Now, i've got a cold, fever, and also sore throat. What this hell happened tome huh?

I had no idea what's wrong with me, since i came here, i've never been like this before.

There is nothing to write much for today, i don't have any energy to do anything.

I have to take medicine and rest more until i recover.

Tomorrow will be better than today and yesterday, right?

==i hope so==

Friday, February 13, 2009

Wanna Cry ><

I wanna cry, i'm so sick...i could not go to school, so i didn't have a chance to see my friends who finished school today before they went back home.

If i'm not plan will be as follows:

9:00am Studying
12:00pm Have lunch with friends
1:00pm Shopping @ Gestown
4:00pm Have some coffee before go home

That's a's so sad, isn't it? Poor me >_____<~

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Commu Party~Whee!

Get ready for our party~Whee!!!

Today, we had party at our classroom before we have to separate to a new class in the next session.

So, i bought many things for the party such as CHIPS, RICE CAKE, COOKIES, and CAKE, but i didn't take any photo except "CAKE" sorry*

Our party was so fun, we ate a lot...we talked...someone danced...someone sang...and everyone took pictures. That's such a good memory for all of us.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Final Test

The last week for every session, all students have a final exam to test their ability and knowledge that they have learned during taking course.

My fourth session >> i have to do a test only for afternoon class...whoohoo! Due to my morning class always has test everyday, so i don't feel it like a test anymore.

As i have told you guys before about you remember? That's the one of my tasks for final test. I'm a third person who presented today. Before i presented it, i'm not sure that they will like it or not, but after i had started for a while...i think it's gonna be ok.

Therefore, i kept going and finished it within the time, i saw my friends' faces, they looked happy...that made me satisfy so much...thank you for your attention.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Snow is coming back!?

Unbelievable!!! it snows again today.
What happened with the weather huh?

But this time i appreciated it, i don't know why...maybe it's not too much snow, so i think it's sooooo cute and beautiful ^^

When i walked on's very soft, and also easy to walk to everywhere.

One more thing, everytime after snow has gone, there is strong windy here...i hate it ^^

Monday, February 9, 2009

My PrEsEnTaTiOn

I have to start my presentation today...hope it's not too late.

On this Wednesday is going to be the presentation day for my afternoon class. So that mean i have time only a few days to prepare power point, script, and also activities for the classmates.

The important thing is what's the topic i want to present...hurr hurr

Do you have any idea? Please let me know, ok? I'm looking forward to hearing from you :)

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Finally, i had already bought iPods~Whoohoo!!!

I went to many places to check the price before i buy.

First, i would like to buy iPods at the Wal-Mart, but when i was at the cashier, the staff said if i wanna use credit card, i had to show her my driver license or passport in order to insist that credit card was mine. What the heck!

So i walked around there to see some stuff for my class's party next week, and then i bought chips, cookies, and rice i have to buy only a cake before that day comes.

After that, i made a new decision to buy them at Future Shop instead due to the price was quite the same...also i asked the staff about using credit card, but this time he didn't ask for anything from me...that's good ^^

Yesterday made me sooooo tired, i took many kinds of transportation...wherever i went to.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Greek to Chinese!?!?

Hello! Today, i have no class... because it's a school holiday... Whee!!!

Therefore, my friends and i were going to have dinner together before one of them will go back home next week.

I honestly say i really don't know like this situation...we have to separate from each sad >____<~

Let's see what happened today: we would like to go to Greek restaurant, but there was a very long line there, so we had to change our mind, and also made a new decision.

We walked to downtown to find some restaurants...we finally found one there which was Chinese restaurant! This is my second time to have Chinese food...they were so familiar with my food~hurr hurr

Chicken with Pepper and Ginger

Pork Fried-Stir with Vegetable

Shrimp Fried Rice

Grass Noddle with Beef

Fortune Cookies