All about me!


I don’t worry what will happen tomorrow

I do my best as I can for today

I learn from my mistakes I did yesterday

I believe everything has its own reason


Think of how you feel everyday

The destiny can make by your own hands

Get your inspiration, energy and spirit

Don’t deny the hope and the excitement

You always get what you have always done



Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Communication Class

I woke up early in this morning in order to go to the school and see about classes at the board. Sooooo excited!!!

After checking, you know what i got "Core Communication" and "CAM 1". Wow! why i had to study communication class both in the morning and afternoon huh? Really don't know why...i have no idea about it. I just feet like that is not good for me. That's it!

At that time, i thought okay i will try to study first. I should meet my classmates and the teacher before i decided on it. For the morning class, it's good...the teacher, Jenny, is so witty and nice. I like her very much ^O^

But in the afternoon class, guess what!...only one time to study in this class. I can honestly said i don't like this class, and also the teacher's teaching style. This is my opinion, i don't know what about other students' ideas.

Therefore, me please...i need to change the class.

Monday, September 29, 2008

First Day @ School

I spent my day at school to do a test and also interview with the teacher. These will let us know what our English level is.

I have known many new friends who are from many countries…it’s a multicultural!!!

After finished, I left school with my friends to travel somewhere around here [my school]. Then we have decided to go to the English Bay.

So we asked our staff at school how to go there, and she said there are two choices for us which are walking or getting on the bus.

We chose walking together, it’s a shinny day…everyone said "GOOD DAY TO WALK!"

Enjoy with our little tour not too long, the obstacle had happened to us. We've got lost...don't know how to went back home. Therefore, we decided to go back to school first, and then find the way to go home. But it's not a happy ending story...i cannot find where can i get on the bus, what's a bus stop that i have to wait for...OH MY GOD! I tried to ask sooooo many people around there, but most of them don't know the bus number that i have to take.

After that, i thought i should ask the bus drivers. Honestly, at that time i'm sure they can help me to go home. But you know, they told me totally different way...i've got lost around one and a half hour, then one girl helped me by letting me know the way to go there so that finally i can find my bus stop...Thank you so much a little girl ^^

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Here I Come!

CANADA, here i come!

I’m so exited to be going to a new country that I never been there before.

Sure, this is my first time, first trip to Canada.

To be honest, i think everyone is looking forward to the opportunity like this very much. And now I got it, so I have to do my best to make my family be proud of me.

However, as i don't know what will happen tomorrow and in the future, therefore, I will spend this 6 months as much as I can.


Tour Around The Neighborhood

Got up at 7 o’clock to help my host mom cooked for breakfast, as yesterday we haven’t talked to each other yet ‘coz I arrived home around midnight…so tired and the weather is too cold.

They showed me their home by walking around there just for a while. After that, my host dad took me a little tour around our neighborhood. Also, he drove a car for me to buy the ticket for transportation. We can get on and get off whether buses, seabus or skytrain. It’s so cool man!

Moreover, we went to Lonsdale Quay to see a very nice harbor there too. Let's take a look as the following pictures:

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Departure Date

It’s like...WoW…wOw...WOW

What a big day for me!

I will not write too much due to I have no time today.

You know, everything is in a hurry.

But i will continue my blog for sure.

Please wait...

Friday, September 26, 2008

1 day left...

Now, I feel like i’m just not inspired to write anything, and i cannot explain why.

By the way, I'm sure tomorrow must be a very different experience i never do that before and it's gonna be a great memory for me too.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

24th Birthday

Happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you...
Happy birthday...happy birthday...
Happy birthdaaaaay to you~WHEE!!!

Today is my twenty-fourth birthday. There is nothing changed too much year by year. But I’m now ready to start with another opportunity.

Since in this morning, i received many wishes from my family, my friends, my professors, my colleagues and also others who i didn't know them much through the Internet, but anyway thank you all so much ^^

Every year, i will celebrate my birthday with my family, for this year as well, so we have to say goodbye my twenty-three, and welcome twenty-four together. Ah! I feel like a year has gone by so quickly!!! Is it good? 555+

September 25th filled with love, warmth, care, delicious food, and even all of you who i consider to be as a part of my family anyway. I’m so grateful and hopeful all wishes come back to you guys.

Thanks again (^O^)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

MorninG LocatioN

It was an early start for me. My morning location is HOSPITAL.


I had an appointment at hospital...don't worry about me 'coz i'm ok now! I just went to see the dentist.


I waited for a doctor to get vaccination against the influenza. It can protect and reduce the chances of getting this virus.


Almost noon, i decided to have lunch before i leave the hospital...but poor me, the food was not delicious.

Then i went to Ekkamai to get my sheets from my friend before i go home.


I arrived to her office...this is the first time i visited there. I don't believe myself that her colleagues know me, even her boss too! That's a pity that i met only one person, haven't met others yet.

Hope to see them next time...hehe ^_____^

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


My birthday is coming in few days and it’s the first time that my sis doesn’t celebrate my birthday with me this year. I’m sure that she will say ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY’ to me via MSN…hehe.

4 days left…

I will spend my time doing whatever i want to and have to. I really need to do cherish what i have now. One thing that always comes to my mind is i cannot have everyone by my side when I go there. Therefore, i try to share out my best to people who are close to me.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Car Free Day

My Monday began since i woke up early to arrange and store all scattered stuff in my bedroom. You know, it was not easy…it took too much time, but i continued to finish them up.

At the downstairs, my mom turned on TV and i guess she was watching news, then i heard a reporter say today is a “Car Free Day”. O…K…you all may not pay much attention about this day, but it’s a very important day for people all over the world.

Due to the number of cars on the streets in the cities always increase rapidly which can be one of causes of the global warming. Therefore, in my opinion, we have to help our world by trying to change the way you think about transportation first.

I'm sure we can do it in the way of our choices whether walking, cycling, or using public transportation, so if everyone cooperates no matter where are you now, today will be better than any day you have ever seen :)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

aFter You ^^

Let's me share something with y'all!

Today, i will recommend you the dessert café named “aFter You” which is located at J Avenue, Thonglor 13. I have been there only one time, but i would like to go back there again.

There are so various menus which can make you get a taste of mouth-watering desserts. I really appreciate it ‘coz most of the dishes are composed of chocolate and strawberry.!!! Oh God, don’t get me started thinking about that~Sooooo YUMMY*

For this weekend, if you guys have no place to go now, please feel free to visit this café, I’m sure that you will have a pleasure time there.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Do you like cooking?

Today is the day that we don’t have to face with the morning rush hour, but you don’t forget it’s also the first day of weekend, so you might get stuck in a car by the weekend rush hour traffic instead. To me, if it’s possible, i will not go outside for sure.

Anyway, my family and i didn’t go anywhere on this Saturday so that we spent time at our home sweet home together.

Do you like cooking? My mom and i love to cook. We watched the cooking program called “Kua Indy-Independent Kitchen” which has a host named “Ik, Bann Boriboon”.

He’s a young Thai chef who graduated Bachelor from James Cook University, and also got certificates about Food & Beverage and Commercial Cookery from TAFE. Moreover, he had his cooking work experiences both from Australia and Thailand.

It’s hard to find a guy who can cook and love to cook. What do you think? Hahaha~

However, you can watch this program or see him on every Saturday morning at channel 5 around 10:30 – 11:00am. Don’t miss it, ok? You will change your mind ‘coz cooking it’s sooooo fun and easy!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Packing up

::: The weather was not very nice today :::

How are you guys doing?
Have you all been working hard for your goal?

I packed up my bags this morning. It amazed me there are sooooo many things to prepare. Honestly, i haven’t gone abroad such a long time like this. I actually took a trip to travel in a short period [not more than one week] That’s it!...hur hur, i don’t know how many days do i spend in order to finish my packing.

::: It’s hot until in the late afternoon :::

Now, i have time to check my mailbox after i didn’t do that a few days. Guess what?...a surge of e-mail flooded into my inbox whether i know them or not. Then i scanned which one i would like to click on it first. Hey! you know what, i found one mail that i’m waiting for, so i open and read it…WoW~i’m so excited!!!’s about my host family information ^-^

::: And it is now raining :::

Hmm...the weather is very unpredictable lately so take care of yourself and rest well. That’s all for now!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sun Shinny Day :) rain!!!

It has been a good morning, i was chilled looking outside through window from my room, so i can see the shining sun which made sky so bright. Wow~wow.

For the passed days, it was raining every morning which made me don't even have to step outside my home 'coz it's cool inside...555 Actually, i don't like to get stuck in a car for many hours, and don't want to go on the street was flooded too.

Everyone knows that we have the experience regarding to the problems which come from this kind of weather for a loooong time here in Bangkok. Hope someday [whether sooner or later], the drainage system will be better, and we will not worry about this problem anymore.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Paralympic Games

What day is it today? is Wednesday. Nope, i didn't mean like that. I need to tell you all today is the closing ceremony for Paralympic Games! I was waiting to watch it. Whoohoo!!

You know, all local channels didn’t broadcast the closing ceremony. Why not? But it was not a problem for me ‘coz I had another choice…hehe…so that I watched CCTV channel via satellite instead.


What can I say, it was one of a very beautiful and spectacular ceremonies. And the most part i like is whenever they lighted colorful fireworks up as if they painted picture in the dark background high in the sky. It’s soooo cool and nice...attractive me very much!!!


In the stadium, you can see there were many people participate in. This shows us that just the number of participants there can create the unlimited power. Therefore, I think no matter where you were born or grew up, we are all the same. Everyone should be proud of who we are, get together and always help each other. Our world will be livable more than this.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Not A Pink Tuesday

When we talk about Tuesday, what do you think of?...tick tock...tick tock...i will think of 'PINK' (^3^)

'PINK' is as a symbol of sweetness, grace, beauty and goodness [just my idea..hehe]

I like this color the most. I don't know why...since when i was a child, my stuffs always in 'PINK'. Maybe i was born on Tuesday, so i just adopt 'pink' as my favorite color.

No matter what the reason is, the latest of my stuff is also 'PINK' which is my digital camera as you can see as below pics:

Bravo! once again the weather had been so good on this 'PINK' day, so i went outside at noon. After that, don't wait longer though, the sky quickly darkened. It's a sign for sudden hard rain coming...wish me luck!

Then the rain fell down [just a drizzle], but i didn't take cover from the rain...i may have a cold one knows, right?

When i arrived at home, heavy rain started...thank God. It's sooooo loud, we cannot hear anything while we were talking. I do hope the street is not flooded after rain stop.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Raining Cats and Dogs

It began to rain since in the morning
...i didn't know...

Whether there was thunder or lightning
...i didn't see or hear anything...

At around 10 o'clock
...i awaken from my deep sleep, then got up...

Until in the afternoon
...the sky was dark like heavy rain will fall all the time...

And now at night is still raining here, but i'm not sure about other areas...

After all, the day like this
...made me so lazzzzzy, wanna sleeeeep all day all night...

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Good afternoon, it is a boring day of staying home. I really don’t know what happened with my nature body time. Since the beginning of this month, i went to bed so late every night, and cannot wake up in the morning as usual…argh!

Anyway, I don’t want to waste time talking too much about my day, so let me share another place with you as i have told yesterday.

We went to Siam to go shopping [window shopping]…walked around there, and then we walked through MBK to eat ICE CREAM at Swensen’S. I just ate it 5 days ago with my family. But it’s ok though, there is no reason to deny to eat it again. Wa-ha-ha~*



You know, we took the photos again and again [everywhere we go!]. What can i say, it likes our activity to memorize everything on that day. Therefore, every shot or every moment is so worth for us i think.

From yesterday to today, i always think of the good times we have had together ^-^ winkz*

P.S. so sleepy now…cannot keep my eyes open…may I take a nap?

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Come Early, Wait Longer

S O - o - O...H A P P Y !

Saturday has come, today is a pleasure time to meet my lovely friends [miss you guys so much...muakz]. Our assembly point is BTS Thonglor at 10:00am, but i left home at 9:30am. I thought i will surely be late for this time.

One of my friends called me up, and she arrived there nearly at my time around 10:30am. Thank God. So we sat and talked for waiting the rest of my friends…until we didn’t have any topic to continue our conversation, but they still haven’t come yet. Unbelievable.

After for a while, we decided to make a call to ask them “where are you huh...what happened with you...when will you arrive here?” After we finished talking, we waited, waited and waited...thanks 555+. To be honest, we were not feeling bad or boring, just sooooo hungry.

We left the meeting point almost 12:00pm! and went to Sizzler at the Fifty Fifth Plaza. We didn't take pics since we started due to we cannot wait for any longer to eat. We ate and talked, ate some more and talked, and then ate some more and talked. But anyway, we didn't forget to take pics for our desserts, and also our pics. Hehe.



As you can see, i have a lot to say for this day. It is so much more than i can tell you on one journal, so tomorrow i'm going to write about another place that my friends and i went to.


Friday, September 12, 2008

From Pan Pan to Big Echo

It was not an early start for today. I woke up late almost an hour after my alarm have sounded due to last night i went to bed sooooo late [as i remember around 2:00am]...short morning for me.

I spent the morning finishing my small breakfast 'coz i didn't want to eat too much, now it almost noon. That mean i will have to have lunch SOON!

Thank God that i don't have to go anywhere in this morning!!! ^-^

In the evening, i have an appointment with my colleagues at Pan Pan, Sukhumvit 33. I have never been there before, hope it's not hard to find that restaurant though...whoohoo! i cannot wait to taste Italian food >_____<~

Let me continue my blog...

Pan Pan >> the first location where we had dinner together. You know, with the classic style and the cozy and comfortable atmosphere at the restaurant made us order the amount of dishes for appetizers (hors d’oeuvre), followed by salad, main courses, and also desserts respectively. We really enjoyed eating :)

Big Echo >> for this second location, it was not in our plan. My colleagues just needed to go, then let’s go!!! We spent time around 2 hours for singing and entertaining. Our drink is a Kamikaze which is one of the most popular cocktail drinks. I had never drunk it before. Do you believe me? Hehe.

-- END --

Well, I have to go to bed, so I have got to put my laptop to sleep now too.

Good Night & Sweet Dream*

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Good Morning!

9-11 comes back again…

This is quite an eventful day after New York and Washington were attacked by terrorists in the terrible crime against the United States since 2001.

7 years have gone felt like just a few years. However, life goes on…i do hope everyone stays strong, fight and keep going!

Let me start over:

September 11, the date that my sis has to fly across to Beijing, China to study more, practice, and improve her Chinese language. After preparing herself a few months, now she is READY to go!!!

We plan to leave our home at 9:00pm [her flight will take off at 1:20am.]. As you know, we cannot predict the traffic in Bangkok, moreover, today it's raining all day since in the morning, so come early is better than be late...Hehe.

Along the way, my sis's cell phone rang all the time. She's sooooo busy as she's now working...555+

At Suvarnabhumi Airport:

When we arrived to the international airport. There were many of our relatives and her friends came here for wishing, giving gifts and saying goodbye.

My family and i stayed with her until 12:00am. I first thought that my mom and sis may cry, but they didn't, no more tears for this time...then we went home together.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Go ArOuNd

There is so much going on today!

Since in the morning, I had an appointment with the dentist at 9:30am. Firstly, I’m sure that it took too much time, but she just spent time only 30 professional.

As for the rest of my day, i have to go to many places ALL DAY as follows:

It started with visiting my relatives in order to inform them i’m going to go abroad SOON. Likes I wanted to say goodbye to them. They were so glad to see me or may be so surprise. Hehe. Anyway, they wished me all the best and good luck for everything, so see you all when I come back here ^_____^

Then I went to the bank with my mom due to she needed to do her own business, and me…sitting there for waiting her…so bored, but it’s ok.

When she finished, we moved to Central World [you may say as I thought “AGAIN!!!” 555]. Actually, we didn’t want to go there, but we just parked the car, and then crossed the road to the shop which is located next to the Big C for exchanging money. That’s it!

Before we left there, we stopped by Asian Zone at the 6th floor to buy something like souvenirs for…, Naraya Shop for buying some bags, and Mos know, i was so hungry. And it tasted GOOD.

After that, we continued to go to Seri Center [near my home] to buy things at Booth and Supermarket. I cannot tell you what we bought ‘coz there are a lots.

The last place for this day is my homesweethome where i can relax and take more rest. Feel sooooo good!

Although, I went to many places for today, it is not fun enough to make me feel better about...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


As I told you yesterday that I went to Swensen’S to eat ice cream before go back home, right? But i forgot to show some pics to sorry.

Let’s see the pics I took for you guys! I hope you are all enjoy eating!!!







That’s all for today, I will stop here for now and I will also inform you what I have been up to tomorrow.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Som Tum = Papaya Salad

Last night, i set the alarm at 8:00 am., so when my alarm went off in this morning, the first thing that came to my head is "what day is today?". It took a few minutes for me to think about it that today is MONDAY, and i had to go outside [may be all day].

I had a plan to visit my grandma at her home. Though, it is a looong way from my home, i insisted to go there. Let's talk a bit about her. She is a kind granny who always take care her grandchildren everytime, and sometimes she has a sense of humor too! :)

After that, my mom drove a car and picked my youngest brother up at the university due to he already finished his class for today. Then i had an idea to eat ice cream before go home and everyone agreed with that...yea yea~*

But the highlight for today is papaya salad what Thais call "Som Tum". I can honestly say i have waited for it many days, but i'm sure that i will have an ample opportunity to eat it before i go abroad. Therefore, my family and i needed to do it by ourselves in order to eat as much as we after we prepared all things completely, we all got ready to start and eat!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


10:30 am.

I was sitting in front of TV at home to watch my favorite program now, ROAMING, which is a new kind of travel show. The trip is started from Bangkok, Thailand to London, England.

You guys may think that they will go there by plane, right? But that’s all wrong.

The man who is one of production team, Ray Macdonald, wants this journey to be so different from the travel show he has done in the past, not the same format.

Therefore, instead of flying 12 hours direct flight to England, he decided to take trains all the way which across 2 continents, 16 countries. You know, it took time around almost 2 months. What can i say, it is very interesting project!

Also, for this time, we have a chance to see the Trans-Siberia, it likes a dream…due to many travelers prefer to get on it once in the lifetime…What a great experience!

In my opinion, it's really wonderful!!! Almost 2 months visits 16 countries, 2 continents traveling by train only. I would like to travel a long distance like this somehow, but i know i will have to prepare myself and many things to get ready for that [it is such a big deal for me].

But anyway, he has always been a source of inspiration to me. His unique perceptions or ideas are full of power to be different and accomplish too.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Education in Australia

Have you heard about IDP Education? It is a global organization that provides services for international students who would like to study in Australia.

Around 11:30 am. in a sun shinny day, i have participated in the event called "Education Australia Interview Program" which was organized by IDP. There were a lot of officers from Australian universities and institutions in order to assist us by giving and advising the information. I visited many booths there to consult something whatever i want to know. It is great to have a chance to talk with them...really cool!!

Are you interested in it? Tomorrow is the last day, but if you are not free, it will be arranged again in November 2008. Anyhow, don't miss it, this is a good opportunity for all of you.

Friday, September 5, 2008

New Haircut*New Jeans

I just arrived home, now it’s 8:20 pm. During this morning, i went to a beauty salon to get a new haircut before i go abroad. How lucky i am that i didn’t waste my time for waiting. Bravo!!! The hairdresser here is talented, so my hairstyle looks good i think...haha

In the late afternoon, my mom and i went to Seacon Square to buy something for our dinner, but we had no idea what we would like to eat, so we decided to hang around there. Finally, i got a new it so strange?, but anyway my mom bought it for me AGAIN ^_____^

After for a while, we went to food center and bought many things for my bro and sis who were waiting for us...i'm sure they were so hungry more than my mom and i. Sorry for kept you all waiting too long...hehe

Thursday, September 4, 2008

...Go Outside...

I went to my office once again after i didn’t go there almost a week! Why?? I already quit my job since the end of August. I think it will be the last time for me to go there, and meet my friendly boss and colleagues.

For this time, i went there to take all my stuff back home. How can i took them back? Luckily, my mom drove a car for me…hehe, so don’t worry ^^

Then we continued to go to the bank, and moved to Central World in order to buy something and window shopping also. I like to go shopping with my mom. It's so COOL 'coz i didn't spend money, she paid for me at all 555.

After that, we entered to the Japanese restaurant for having lunch together. Japanese food is a kind of food my family love the most. We took more time there to enjoy all of dishes which made me so full like i was about ready to burst. I didn't want to eat anything for dinner anymore.

I might add, that if we eat like this everyday, we will quite a bit fatter as soon as possible >___<~.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Soy Milk VS. Pizza

How have you been?

The morning went quickly.

My breakfast started off with a glass of soy milk. As i know, soybean is the most nutritious food of the bean family, and also be a source of high quality proteins. So, if you never drink it before, let’s try it! I’m sure it is a good alternative for your health :)

There is nothing too much about my lunch as well, you know what…i ate PIZZA!!! which is called junk food. It is an unhealthy or has little nutritional value. Actually, i will eat pizza sometimes like when i have to spend most of the day to do something urgently. I have no time to eat anyway, so a quick lunch is better.

But everything will be back to normal soon. No worries though, my dinner is not gonna be like that for sure.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


And now is the life after September 1, 2008!

In this morning, I woke up extra early due to the telephone rang so many times. What can I say, I want to get back to sleep but it’s hard to fall asleep again. Weird?

Then my mom told me that Prime Minister already declared the state of emergency in here, Bangkok, because of the pro- and anti- government supporters have clashed against each other. There is one person was killed and injured dozens. OH MY GOD!

Also, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration announced that all schools in the capital city will be closed for three days following the announcement of the state of emergency.

I keep myself thinking how stupid and dangerous situation has happened here. WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN, HUH?

Monday, September 1, 2008

My big month

,,Hello September,,

Monday is the day i hate, but today i feel so good ‘coz i don’t have to go to work or study anymore. Now, i’m ready to relax both physically and mentally. Yeah yeah*

For the next three weeks that i have to go abroad, therefore, i plan to take everything easy like preparing things, hanging out with friends, eating whatever i want, sleeping a lot, and spending time with my family.

I don’t know what will happen with my life after 2008/09/01 (no one knows), but the list goes on and on, so i hope every step goes well and flows smoothly too.

However, like i said yesterday, a new month starts again. And i think i’m a girl who loves to have a good time, so i want to do something fun which make me happy. Wheee!!!