All about me!


I don’t worry what will happen tomorrow

I do my best as I can for today

I learn from my mistakes I did yesterday

I believe everything has its own reason


Think of how you feel everyday

The destiny can make by your own hands

Get your inspiration, energy and spirit

Don’t deny the hope and the excitement

You always get what you have always done



Tuesday, September 2, 2008


And now is the life after September 1, 2008!

In this morning, I woke up extra early due to the telephone rang so many times. What can I say, I want to get back to sleep but it’s hard to fall asleep again. Weird?

Then my mom told me that Prime Minister already declared the state of emergency in here, Bangkok, because of the pro- and anti- government supporters have clashed against each other. There is one person was killed and injured dozens. OH MY GOD!

Also, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration announced that all schools in the capital city will be closed for three days following the announcement of the state of emergency.

I keep myself thinking how stupid and dangerous situation has happened here. WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN, HUH?

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