All about me!


I don’t worry what will happen tomorrow

I do my best as I can for today

I learn from my mistakes I did yesterday

I believe everything has its own reason


Think of how you feel everyday

The destiny can make by your own hands

Get your inspiration, energy and spirit

Don’t deny the hope and the excitement

You always get what you have always done



Friday, September 19, 2008

Packing up

::: The weather was not very nice today :::

How are you guys doing?
Have you all been working hard for your goal?

I packed up my bags this morning. It amazed me there are sooooo many things to prepare. Honestly, i haven’t gone abroad such a long time like this. I actually took a trip to travel in a short period [not more than one week] That’s it!...hur hur, i don’t know how many days do i spend in order to finish my packing.

::: It’s hot until in the late afternoon :::

Now, i have time to check my mailbox after i didn’t do that a few days. Guess what?...a surge of e-mail flooded into my inbox whether i know them or not. Then i scanned which one i would like to click on it first. Hey! you know what, i found one mail that i’m waiting for, so i open and read it…WoW~i’m so excited!!!’s about my host family information ^-^

::: And it is now raining :::

Hmm...the weather is very unpredictable lately so take care of yourself and rest well. That’s all for now!

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