All about me!


I don’t worry what will happen tomorrow

I do my best as I can for today

I learn from my mistakes I did yesterday

I believe everything has its own reason


Think of how you feel everyday

The destiny can make by your own hands

Get your inspiration, energy and spirit

Don’t deny the hope and the excitement

You always get what you have always done



Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Communication Class

I woke up early in this morning in order to go to the school and see about classes at the board. Sooooo excited!!!

After checking, you know what i got "Core Communication" and "CAM 1". Wow! why i had to study communication class both in the morning and afternoon huh? Really don't know why...i have no idea about it. I just feet like that is not good for me. That's it!

At that time, i thought okay i will try to study first. I should meet my classmates and the teacher before i decided on it. For the morning class, it's good...the teacher, Jenny, is so witty and nice. I like her very much ^O^

But in the afternoon class, guess what!...only one time to study in this class. I can honestly said i don't like this class, and also the teacher's teaching style. This is my opinion, i don't know what about other students' ideas.

Therefore, me please...i need to change the class.

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