All about me!


I don’t worry what will happen tomorrow

I do my best as I can for today

I learn from my mistakes I did yesterday

I believe everything has its own reason


Think of how you feel everyday

The destiny can make by your own hands

Get your inspiration, energy and spirit

Don’t deny the hope and the excitement

You always get what you have always done



Sunday, November 30, 2008

Snack's Day

Hahaha...i'm laughing now!

I feel good today.

Hang out with friends.

Go shopping together.

Have some drinks.

Talk and speak a lot.

It's so different from yesterday.

There is one thing that we did the same...which is everyone bought some snacks! 555+

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Be Crazy~*

Woke up around 9:00am
Finished breakfast at 9:30am
Washed my clothes at 10:00am

Then i started doing homework, this week i had two homework for both my morning and afternoon class.

To begin with, grammar class, i think it's more easier than another one, so it will be good to finish that one first.

After that, i tried to think about an essay, what i have to write, what's the story i want to tell, and etc. Many things came to my mind.

So i took a break by having lunch, and continued it later...i had relaxed my brain.

The time gone by so quickly, i didn't finish it yet...what should i do.

Finally, i can finish it...thanks God... and my dear friend helped me to prove read all of my writing for me. Thank you so much... ^_____^

Now, i'm so happy...whoohoo...tomorrow i can go shopping without any stress or pressure.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Let's Go To Gift Shop!

As you know, i have only the morning class on Friday so that i can do my assignment in the afternoon before i go home. But one of my friends made me change my plan.

Due to today was his last day for school [but he will go back home next week], so he needed to go to the gift shops in order to buy some souvenirs for his family and friends.

So he asked me "Do u have any plans after school?", i said "i don't know yet, what about you?" Then he spoke up what he want to do.

AGAIN! i went with him to go shopping. First, we went to Gestown where everyone knows there are many shops there. We walked and visited so many shops, but he can buy only two things. Because of the price is quite expensive and he didn't like souvenirs there.

Next, we decided to move to gift shop at the excited. You know, for my first time to go there, i'm so appreciated that place so much.

I will go back there again for you wan t to go with me?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

First Assignment


Do you like homework? To me, some are good to practice more and more, but some are not.

My first assignment for writing class is writing an essay regarding to the topic: A Person Who Has Made Difference.

I have to do it before Sunday because of i have an appointment with my friends to go somewhere. Therefore, i would like to finish everything as soon as possible.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Intermediate Writing

The result of the test already announced on the board yesterday. Did i tell you yet? 555 Maybe not i think.

I got Writing 2 which called "Intermediate Writing" for my afternoon class, so it started with i had to draft the outline for my essay, and then hand in to the teacher for checking before start to the next step.

The class is so-so for me now, there is nothing made me interested in. But anyway, i hope it will be better within this week.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

~Brazilian Gift~

I had a surprise gift since in the wow wow!!!

My Chinese friend who stays in the same homestay with my Brazilian friend came to my table and handed in the gift to me, so i asked him "what is this?", he said "it's your gift". Then he explained everything to me...ok, i see ^_____^

There are two things for my gift from him which are a flag with his message to me and a flip-flop.

You see, on the flip-flop has a symbol of Brazil and their colours. I think he would like me to remember that he's from Brazil i 555+

Monday, November 24, 2008

Writing Test

What's day is today huh? Monday, the day i hate, is the day for starting a new class. In my morning class i continued grammar class with the higher level. I'm so happy to know that my teacher is a very good teacher from a lot of my friends. I think i'm lucky...hehe ^_____^

My afternoon class is writing 1...what?... as i remember i told the last teacher's class i want to take writing 2, isn't it? why...what happened? Anyway, i will try to study on that class first, but if i don't like it or it isn't suit with me, i will change it later.

When i came to class, oh mu god!!!, there are 22 students for Writing 1 [i prefer a small class, please]. Therefore, the teacher needed us to do a test. Tomorrow, we all will know what our level are, and what class we have to take. The test made me so tired today you know due to i didn't prepare anything for's a surprise test!!!

I do hope i will get the good result.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Lynn Canyon

Finally, i can go to Lynn Canyon and travel there...Whoohoo!

This is first pic that i took when i waited for the bus. As you see, it has some snow on the top of the mountain...i'm so excited. You know what, the temperature's today was only 3 degree Celsius...SNOW is coming soon!!!

Here is Lynn Canyon Park. We started our journey from this point.

The Ecology Centre is a place where there are many displays regarding to ecology. You can buy some gifts and get the park information.

Lynn Canyon Cafe

This is the highlight for this trip which is Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge. It's so long, and made me feel a bit afraid when i looked down from there.

From this point, there are two choices for us which are Twin Fall and Rice Lake, so we chose to go to the Twin Fall first...ok, here we go!!!

Twin beautiful, but so dangerous too!

When the water fall down from the top of the mountain to the ground, it comes and combines at this place.

Another is Rice Lake...sooooo cold there, but it's very attractive my friends and i.

Many people, especially family...they come here to go fishing together. It's really such a nice

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Shop Around For ...

Shopping day for my friend...he will go back to Brazil next Tuesday. Again! many friends finished school this week, and have to go back home soon.

So's a sad time...don't want everyone to say goodbye each other. But it's or tomorrow, we have got to go in our own ways.

I will change topic, don't want to talk about sad story anymore, ok?

Today i went shopping with my Brazilian friend. He needed to buy something for his friends and family before he leave here, so i accompanied with him to help him choose the gifts and souvenirs, and also decide or give some ideas about them. I understood him, it was so hard to make a decision. I'm sure that i will be like him next year. ABSOLUTELY!!!

At lunch time, he ordered a hot dog for himself.

And he also bought a big glass of strawberry smoothie for me.

He's very nice person...i know that he would like to thank's so good man. Thank you very much ^^

Friday, November 21, 2008

Oreo Muffin

We had a final test...i was so nervous before i took the exam because i had no experience about grammar test here before. When i got to paper test, and then i looked around that time i think it's not too hard for me. Everything was going to be ok.

We had time around one hour to finish it, and you know i took time almost the deadline. After that, it's a break time, so we can friend's classroom had a party envy her...but anyway, i just talked with friends and waited for the teacher.

The result of our test is everyone passed the exam so that every student can move up to higher level next week...CONGRATULATIONS!!!

By the way, today was a sad day for me due to my Japanese friend finished her class and will start her work soon [next Monday] I didn't want to say goodbye, but we had to say that. She cried so many times that made me wanna cry too...she's one of my best friends here. I'm really going to miss you ^_____^ my dear friend.

We took photos, went shopping, and had some coffee and muffin together. It was very great time for me to spend the rest of the time with her before she moves to another place.

I will never forget you, and i do hope to see you and travel together again!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sala Thai

Tomorrow we have a test in the morning, but it's not our problem though. My friends and i went to have dinner at Thai restaurant called "Sala Thai".

In order to celebrate for one of my Japanese friend. Due to she has to move from Richmond to work at Lake Louise in Alberta. Whoohoo!

1. Tom Yum Talay (Seafood)

2. Som Tum (Papaya Salad)

3. Kai Yang

4. Pad Thai

5. Kao Pad Sala Thai

6. Pad Ped Moo

Penang Island which is a special beverage only on Thursday

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Christmas Starbucks Coffee

The examination is coming soon! I haven't prepare anything yet...oh my God!

Today, most of students in my school had a practice test for the grammar class before the real test on Friday. But it excepted my class...i didn't have any practice test...WHY!!!'s so strange, do you think so?

You know, my class just had practiced on the worksheets and books...that's it...i hope they're enough for my exam >__<

Tomorrow i have a test for my afternoon class, but i don't know what i should prepare's a listening i decided to review the lessons for grammar instead.


The weather was sooooo cold and windy. I'm still sick...i want to get well and feel better as soon as possible!

Along the way while i was going to go home, i got a free cup of coffee!!! Wow! lucky i am?

Actually, i pass Starbucks Coffee everyday when i go back home.

I'm so surprise why they had free coffee for everyone today.

Do you want to know the taste? I don't like it so's not strong, not sweet...but it's only hot!

They said this free coffee is a new flavor of Starbucks Coffee, especially at Christmas.

See ya!...all readers. Have a good day and good night ^^

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Free Hot Chocolate & Blueberry Muffin!

It's a great day for me though i'm sick now...555

There was nothing special, just my friend would like to buy and pay something for me i think. I had no idea about it too!

At first, i really didn't know what she wanna do...she asked me like these: what's the beverage that you like? you know muffin?...what types of muffin do you like?

So i answered all her questions, and then she took me to McDonald Coffee Cafe to order everything she had already asked me...umm...suddenly i told her that she shouldn't buy it for me, it's unnecessary! But she insisted to pay for me, what should i do...she said that's ok and she wanted to.

Anyway, we talked and ate some, and then talked and ate some until we finished. After that, i watched my watch and it's time for me to go home, so i hadn't go to the library with her...i hope i will go there next time.

P.S. Thank a lots for your kindness...(^0^)...thanks again for hot chocolate and blueberry muffin!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Fish 'N Chips

My today's blog is about the restaurant at Deep Cove where we had lunch together before we went home.

Lunch? at four o'clock? really?...555+

Anyway, we chose "Fish 'N Chips" restaurant for our meals...i shared a dish with my friend because all menus in Canada will serve with a big dish, so i cannot finish it by myself. It's to much for us.

This is a 4 Pieces Chicken with Chips

Another is a Chicken Hamburger with Chips

Everything is yummy...i think may be we were very hungry and so tired for hiking too!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Deep Cove

Yeah yeah!!
I think today i feel better than yesterday.
My appointment is at noon (12:00pm).
There are six people for this trip...Wow!
It will be more fun than other trips...i hope

I took this pic before we went to climb up Deep Cove

The way to the top of the mountain during our looked easy to hike, right?...but it's not easy as you think!

It's sooooo natural...while we were walking along the way, we can hear the sound of waterfall...very nice sound!

It almost finished our adventure...we asked someone who was climbing down from the mountain...ok, let's go!!!

Now, we arrived at the top of the Deep's a very beautiful view and atmosphere. Here we took time for a while...we needed to rest, ate some snacks and took photos before we went down to the ground.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Poor Me...I'm A Sick Person

I'm not feeling good today.

I don't know why, so you don't ask me.

I decided to stay at home.

I'll help my host dad to renovate the kitchen.

I have to study and review the lessons.

I need to take more rest.

I should take some medicines.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Chocolate Chip Cookies

My afternoon class is a bit yummy today. Do you know why? My teacher made chocolate chip cookies for us...whoohoo!
I'm so surprise because he's a man...and he cooked. Anyway, he said we're good students so this is a present from him.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Osteria Napoli

Another dinner comes again. I had no idea about my dinner today...what we have to cook and eat. When i came back home, my host dad told me we supposed to go outside to have dinner because we don't have kitchen now.

Hehe...actually, his client invited him and his wife to have dinner today, but my host mom isn't here now, so he would like to take me instead to the Italian restaurant. Wow!, i think i'm so lucky, isn't it? 555+

Oh my God, i have to say this word many many times 'coz you know what i ate a lot this night....sooooo full..maybe i will full until next morning it i think.

Firstly, they served us with beverage.

Secondly, we got the garlic bread with some cheese and tomato sauce on the top.

Thirdly, we ate salad like an appetizer and some bread with butter.

Fourthly, they served us with pasta and something like won ton which had pork stuffed in it pouring with the creamy sauce.

Fifthly, we can see the pork steak with many kinds of vegetable and potato.

Lastly, they serve us a dessert which is a Italian cake. It's like a mousses cake i think. WOW!

YuMmY yUmMy!!! Are you jealous me? Haha...^0^

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

No Kitchen

My homestay took the kitchen off today. We didn't have kitchen anymore...wanna cry >__< But luckily, we have another kitchen downstairs. Thank God!!!

Therefore, we had dinner at the basement today. My host family's daughter-in-law cooked for us.

She cooked spaghetti and baked cookies for dessert. She said this is her first time to made cookies. She didn't know how to cook it before...just followed the procedure in the Internet.

In my opinion, she can do it very tasted good...and i like it so much...thank you ^-^

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008


7:00am Woke up
7:45am Left home

8:00am Got on the bus #401
8:28am Change bus to #98

8:50am Arrived at airport station
9:03am Took the bus #620

9:50am Arrived at Tsawwassen
11:00am Got on the ferry

12:45pm Arrived at Swartz Bay
1:00pm Got on the bus #70

2:00pm Arrived at downtown Victoria...oh my's such a long journey. See you again tomorrow (^O^)/