All about me!


I don’t worry what will happen tomorrow

I do my best as I can for today

I learn from my mistakes I did yesterday

I believe everything has its own reason


Think of how you feel everyday

The destiny can make by your own hands

Get your inspiration, energy and spirit

Don’t deny the hope and the excitement

You always get what you have always done



Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Free Hot Chocolate & Blueberry Muffin!

It's a great day for me though i'm sick now...555

There was nothing special, just my friend would like to buy and pay something for me i think. I had no idea about it too!

At first, i really didn't know what she wanna do...she asked me like these: what's the beverage that you like? you know muffin?...what types of muffin do you like?

So i answered all her questions, and then she took me to McDonald Coffee Cafe to order everything she had already asked me...umm...suddenly i told her that she shouldn't buy it for me, it's unnecessary! But she insisted to pay for me, what should i do...she said that's ok and she wanted to.

Anyway, we talked and ate some, and then talked and ate some until we finished. After that, i watched my watch and it's time for me to go home, so i hadn't go to the library with her...i hope i will go there next time.

P.S. Thank a lots for your kindness...(^0^)...thanks again for hot chocolate and blueberry muffin!!!

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