All about me!


I don’t worry what will happen tomorrow

I do my best as I can for today

I learn from my mistakes I did yesterday

I believe everything has its own reason


Think of how you feel everyday

The destiny can make by your own hands

Get your inspiration, energy and spirit

Don’t deny the hope and the excitement

You always get what you have always done



Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Party

This is my first time to celebrate HALLOWEEN...Whoowoo!!!

New experience for me 'coz my country don't celebrate it.

Everywhere was decorated with pumpkins, evils, monsters, and etc.

Everything always in orange and black colour.

You will get many chocolates and candy too.

I got them a lot during this!

I like it so much...thank you ^-^

Anyway, it's sooooo fun.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Do you know "CANNELLONI"? I don't know about it before.

First of all, i had no idea what's it look like, but my host mom told me it's an Italian food...very easy to cook and don't take too much time.

Cottage Cheese
Tomato Sauce

And one more thing that we never missed is...Fresh Salad ^_^

When it comes together, it's going to be like this photo.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

QE Park & BC

Queen Elizabeth Park is a second park that i have visited. It's so can breath deeply with the fresh air.

There are many gardens and very big trees. I don't know how old are they...may be 100 years up i think. Hehe ^-^

Here, the leaves still changed colour from green to red, orange or yellow...wOw...really beautiful when they come together. I like it!!!

Bioedel Conservatory is located in the Queen Elizabeth Park.

There is a dome which is the symbol for Bioedel Conservatory. It's such a good place to visit, not only the weather, but also the environment including with trees and plants.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Wreck Beach

I have a secret to tell you guys, i walked pass Wreck Beach, but i didn't know. It wasted my time to find this beach.

You know what, i had to go like downstairs...there are sooooo many steps to go to the beach.

When i went down there, it's so easy and comfortable for me.

In contrast, when i went up to the top, it likes i have to climb up the hill. Oh my God!, it's so difficult and tired too.

But anyway, the beach is very beautiful and peaceful, though, the weather was so cold and windy.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


11:00am i was sitting at Broadway bus stop
It had sun shine, but it was cold because of the wind
I thought...please come now my friend!!!
Just for a while, she came to the bus stop
Thank you ^^

We first went to The University of British Columbia (UBC)'s a huge university, and so quiet too. In my pinion, it's such a really good place to come to study whether the atmosphere or the environment.

Tomorrow i will talk about "Wreck Beach" which is located in UBC. Please keep in touch with my blog (^O^)/

Saturday, October 25, 2008


I spent all day at Metropolis. I took the skytrain which take time around 30 minutes. For this time, i had a main purpose to go there... 'coz i'm now looking for the coat and boots before the winter comes. Someone told me if i buy all these stuffs in the winter, it will cost me a lot.

I went to visit many shops in this big shopping mall until lunch time, so i tried to find the available seat for me to take a rest and have lunch. Ah!, i found out there is a food court there...i walked through that place, and finished my small lunch.

After that, i continued my walking to reach my target...i tried on not too much clothes, just some of them that i think i like them, and also they're suitable with tired >_____<~

Then i needed to stop at bookstore to see some books, but that's a pity...i cannot find it...i don't have time too...due to it's already 5 o'clock...oh my god...i didn't want to go home late, so i walked very fast to catch the skytrain as much as i can. There are many people waiting for the skytrain...i don't like it.

Next, you know, i had to wait for my bus to go home around 30 cold...anyway, i arrived home almost 6:30pm. Also, my host family just started to have for today is SPAGHETTI...Italian food!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Go Bowling...Celebration

Whee! the last day for my studying in the first month! We voted to make a decision yesterday that we will go bowling for our last day.

Not all of my classmates came to join together...disappointing...we didn't take photos and spend fun time together. Hope to see you guys again ^-^

We went to the Commodore Lanes & Billiards since it opened in the morning. We played both bowling and billiards.

There is not a lot of people there, so our group was very noisy because of we had a competition between two groups, and we needed to take photoes with everyone while we were playing too.

Oh! i can't's so turbulent at that time, but sooooo fun. I will never forget this day for sure.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Scary Story with ChoCoLate

October 23 is a holiday in my home country, but here is the last presentation day for my morning class. Due to the Halloween is coming next, so the task is telling a scary story. The story could be true or made it up around 2-3 minutes only. Also, at the end of telling story, the audiences will try to guess...the story is true or not.

For me, i never had the experience about this topic before. Therefore, i chose one scary story that my friend used to tell me when we studied at high school. I have to practice more and more to present this to the class because it's not my story so that i will tell it as if it has actually happened to me. It's a difficult one for me i think...oh my god!'s an amazing presentation, many students are sooooo CREATIVE to made up their stories...unbelievable...most of them are LIARS. Next time, i won't trust them anymore when they tell whatever stories...hehe ^^

My afternoon class [LISTENING 1] will end today, so the teacher has a dictation to test our listening, if we get 80% up, we pass to continue another class or change new class...a little bit nervous...hope it's not hard for us.

Ah! there's something happened before the class starts... one of our classmates bought a box of chocolate for all of us...YUMMY...thank you for your kindness and sweet chocolate too. We all are appreciated it so much...Whoohoo!!!

You know what, i just talked with friends at lunch time that i would like to eat chocolate, and then I can eat chocolate as i think. Is it strange? Anyway, it's really good for me...555...i ate many flavors such as Chocolate Fudge, Hazelnut Triangle, Milk Chocolate Box and Hazelnut in Caramel.

And if you ask me what's my favourite? i think it's a HAZELNUT TRIANGLE.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Full Option

In the morning, i ate waffle with syrup. The host mom made for me at night and put it in the refrigerator. Then when i wanna eat it, i just put it in a toaster...that's easy huh?

In the afternoon, i ate a turkey sandwich with vegetables. I made it by myself, it's not take too much guys can do it as well. Could you imagine about it? Let's see the pictures as below:

In the evening, i ate pizza with salad. Who's cooked it? host mom for sure. I never cooked pizza before, so i just watched her cooked until it finished. WOW! She asked me "Do you like pizza?", and i answered her "YES, I LIKE IT", but that's a pity that i forgot to take a photo for you all...really sorry >__<"

It's a YUMMY DAY for me, isn't it?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Peanut Butter~Crunchy*

Whole wheat bread, toast, apple, pear and banana are all my breakfast here, and today also i ate two toasts with peanut butter and a pear!

I had to prepare my lunch by myself, but poor me! there was nothing that i can make a i brought two slices of bread with peanut butter AGAIN and a banana.

Guess what! i'm not feel bored anymore to put peanut butter on bread...i recommend you "Kraft" if you wanna buy a peanut butter...i like it so much. It called Crunchy Peanut Butter. There are a lot of peanuts together with butter should try it...i think you will love it same as me. Hehe.

When i arrived home, i sniffed some smell in the's a is my first time that my host mom made pizza and it is the first time for me to eat pizza here too! She asked me "Do you like pizza?", and i answered her "YES, I LIKE IT", but that's a pity that i forgot to take a photo for you all...really sorry >__<"

Monday, October 20, 2008

Kitsilano ^^

My third location is Kitsilano where is located southwest of downtown. Here is one of the Vancouver neighbourhoods. There are many shops with different kind of it? haha...such as retailers, bookstores, restaurants, cafes, and etc.

Furthermore, i had a chance to walk to the Kitsilano Beach may be 30 minutes [i'm not sure], but you know what, i missed to walk along the other beaches around there...i really don't know that area has many beaches...poor me!!!

Anyway, if i have more time, i will go there again...Jericho Beach, Locarno Beach, and Spanish Bank Beach...please waiting for me...ok? 555+

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Great Sunday (._.)

Whee! the weather is so good to wash my clothes and go outside.
You can see my plan for today by the following details:

8:00am wake up
8:30am have breakfast
9:00am start to wash clothes
10:30am leave home

Trip for today:
1st location >> Canada Place
2nd location >> Granville Island
3rd location >> Kitsilano

I have to go now, see you again when i come back home.


Good evening! How's it going?

It's a greeeeeat day for me...going to many places, walking tour, taking photos, spending time with other people that i don't know, and etc.


It's so beautiful. There are five white sails resembling a ship. Here has a convention centre, an exhibition hall, a hotel, cruise ship terminals, an IMAX theatre, and offices.


My second time it!!! For the first time was too short 'coz i had to do assignment for interview...i didn't have too much time to walk around there. Ah! i will put photos i took here together with my old blog which has a subject "Granville Island", if you wanna see them, please go to that topic, ok?

I feel sleepy now, so i will update the rest of my little tour tomorrow (._.) THANK YOU FOR READING (._.)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

White Spot

Let's me continue from yesterday:

After class had a meeting with friends at White Spot where is close to my bus stop. Hehe. I walked to that place while it was raining. We ordered "The Spot Chicken Burger Supreme", "Chicken Caesar Wrap", and "Orange Juice 1/2 Litre". Due to a lunch time, the serving was slow, we were starving to death!

The following pictures, i took them while i was waiting for my food, don't waste time, right?

For your information:

*The Spot Chicken Burger Supreme>> Fresh, chargrilled chicken breast, honey mustard mayo, lettuce, tomato & sweet red onion*

*Chicken Caesar Wrap>>A classic! Chicken, fresh Romaine, bacon & Parmesan freshly tossed in our signature Caesar dressing*

*Jumpstart Juices>>Orange Juice 1/2 Litre*

You know, we ate like filling everything all the time...sooooo full...or maybe we just ate too much!...hurr hurr

Surprised Waffle


Friday...Whee!..feel so happy, but...there was lots of rain earlier since in the morning.

There was one surprise happened to me this morning, my host mom woke up and made waffle for my looked so yummy! She served me a hot waffle with the three berries jam, honey, and syrus...taste so delicious. I like it sooooo much ^_____^

For my morning class only 5 students attended, i think due to it was raining, so someone got up late. However, those students who didn't come participated in the beginning of class, they came to the class after break time.

Topic for today is about "Terry Fox" who is a hero in Canada. He got bone cancer with his right leg. This event changed his whole life, but he didn't give up. He determined to help others patients by running across Canada from Newfoundland to Vancouver in order to raise money...just one dollar from every Canadian. His cancer research was called "The Marathon Hope". I like his words and wanna share to y'all...he said..."i just wish people would realize that anything is possible if you try; dream are made if people try."

Thursday, October 16, 2008


...Presentation Day...

Many students forgot their presentation...but my teacher said it's okay 'coz she didn't remind them too!

But anyway,i have to present today without any reason...go ahead friends!

I would like to introduce all my classmates regarding to Thai tradition festival called "Loy Krathong".

I chose this b'coz it's coming soon in November in my home country. Also, it's interesting and easy for them to listen and imagine following my presentation.

By the way, dinner was the Italian style...L-A-S-A-G-N-A with salad. This is the second time that i ate lasagna here, it's still taste good as before. Hehe.